The hare finished sipping cider from a scallop shell and made his way over to where the Rambling Rosehip Players lounged about by the cart.
He was sipping hard cider, and wearing an orange T-shirt and khaki cargo shorts.
She was sipping hot cider.
Visitors to the manor can await his arrival in the gaily decorated and candle-lighted Manor House or outdoors, sipping hot cider by a bonfire.
And there he was, the third man at the table when Ginsberg and Burroughs held a "dream lunch," during which they sipped hot cider through straws and recited their dreams.
We both sipped cider through a straw.
As normal for cold mornings, the older mage was sipping hot spiced cider from an earthenware mug.
From his seat by the table, where he sipped cool cider, Myral studied Cerryl.
At the last they sat quietly on the bed, sipping cider.
They sipped cider and bumped along on a hayride.