They were sipping cocoa and watching the film when headlights flashed outside.
When he returned to the kitchen, he found Joni and Barbara still sitting at the table, still sipping cocoa.
He drank Irish coffee and she sipped hot cocoa.
I was still sipping cocoa when the train arrived at its final stop, but there was no hurry to leave.
Rosy-cheeked visitors from across the country and the world, sipping hot cocoa and smiling as they caught the candle glow from the famous stained-glass windows.
I sipped cocoa, and wondered how and when I would be able to turn him out into the night again.
Honor sipped cocoa, then lowered her cup with a wry smile.
They were sipping cocoa, brushing one another's hair and rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.
He sipped cocoa as dark as his skin but still managed to look like death.
I curled my fingers around hers, long and v,arm, and we sat linked for a little while, sipping cocoa in q1ence.