I sat at the table by the wall, propped the morning Times on the rack, and sipped orange juice.
Creslin waits through the song, sipping juice, his eyes focused somewhere beyond the night.
However, the nurse said he had eaten some more food and was sipping juice through a straw now.
Jill Young, his wife, sat examining the paper and sipping orange juice.
Now, on the plane, she sat beside him, sipping orange juice and growing more bored by the minute.
There, she watched her father adoringly from a bar stool while sipping orange juice.
An older woman sipped orange juice from a cardboard cup at a booth in the back.
He sipped juice through a straw, and noticed Mark.
Then she sipped more juice, and yawned - once, twice.
He was sitting up, still incredibly dazed, and sipping juice through a straw.