The volunteers sipped pink lemonade and unsweetened tea.
Maybe it's sipping lemonade on the patio before work or catching fireflies with your kids after dinner.
Neighbors worked in their gardens or sat on then- porches sipping tea and lemonade and occasionally something stronger.
On the other hand we might go no farther than the garden at our inn, sipping fresh lemonade or Vichy with raspberries.
One Saturday I was sitting on the ground, sipping lemonade and leaning against a big bronze sculpture.
At tables along the veranda the women-folk sat primly sipping their port and lemonade.
Sipping lemonade slowly from a plastic cup, he looked uneasily out at the river - but all was normal.
Returning to the hotel, Carl found Gus on the porch sipping iced lemonade.
They were served and sipped lemonade as attendants drew new white lines on the court after the first match.
Afterwards, they sat, sipping lemonade in contented silence.