The sisters were gathering flowers a few fields away, and Sarima ballooned along.
And as the time grew close, the brothers and sisters gathered, like-mindedness being the sibling ship between them.
After three sisters gather at their childhood home, a mysterious man forces them to confront the past.
Mother and sisters gathered close, as if loath to give Meg up.
It was neither his appearance nor his words that made Toveine rein up short, letting the other sisters gather beside her.
Silverhair's sister, Foxeye, was gathering her calves around her.
He spoke allusively, hoping his sister would not gather the full impact, but she understood enough "Is he in danger of prison'?
Instead, she helped her teary-eyed little sister gather her things and exit the court.
The day before he left home, his mother, two sisters and neighbors gathered to pray for him.
Her sisters gather the flowers off the tree and Kumudha returns to her human form.