I'm told that there was a death in the family and a sister from out of town is selling the house.
After his murder, his sister sold the family's business.
To add to these troubles, my sister and her husband sold their farm, and removed from our neighbourhood.
Two years ago, David Hockney's sister sold faxed drawings he had sent her for $17,800.
My sister and I were selling directly to the customer, so we would hear what they liked and disliked.
I will not let my sister sell herself for money.
The wife wept and told the brother that his sister would sell pumpkins to other people but not to her.
My sister called late Sunday to say she'd sold her hot air balloon.
He said his sister had sold the chest while he was away, and he wanted to get it back!
Three years ago, her sister sold the family home on 225th Street and moved away.