The older sister still sobbed a little.
I am so sorry for YOU, dear,' sobbed Tom's sister.
A sister of Rose's sobbed briefly.
Jason Watts's mother let out a low moan, and his sister sobbed and buried her head in her mother's shoulder.
I don't want to wear one,' Leonard says when I explain to him quite why his sister is now sobbing on the kitchen floor.
His sister, Kimberly, looked down to the floor and sobbed convulsively, despite the caresses of her father.
"I do not know these old people," Robin said, while his sister kissed him and sobbed hysterically on his shoulder.
His sisters were sobbing uncontrollably at the end, when Rocky is dragged whimpering to the electric chair.
"I don't believe you," sobbed his sister.
His mother and two sisters sobbed quietly a few feet away.