It was one of those rare moments in their sisterly relationship when Maria was tempted to hug her usual nemesis, to shield Sophie from the world.
Ms. Asman's daughter is married to Ms. Wagner's son, and the two women seem to have an almost sisterly relationship.
Although she is Jennifer's adopted mother, she shares a sisterly relationship with the young girl.
He is later relieved when the two women work out their differences and start developing a sisterly relationship.
She has also become very close with Layla, developing a very sisterly relationship.
Mitchell says that their birth dates interact in a way best suited to siblings and that, in fact, they have a sisterly relationship.
After Kamina's death, she tries to help Simon cope and forms a sisterly relationship with him.
Yuki and she have a sisterly relationship that Kagetora does not understand.
Nevertheless, her rivalry with Bree continues but as a natural part of their sisterly relationship.
After joining the Knight Sabers, she forms a close sisterly relationship with Nene.