It was on its perch, just sitting there apathetically with its hands drawn up under its chin, and then its eyelids fluttered and it fell forward and hit the cement with a final horrid smack.
Alice sat apathetically, looking out the win- dow across the dark water, her own thoughts obviously not focused on Gersen's remarks.
Some rats and monkeys sat apathetically in cages along one wall, a shelf of scrolls below them.
The Champion's eyes turned to his Guild Brother, who sat apathetically in front of an infrared heating unit, holding an untasted chocolate bar in one mittened hand.
Andrew Largeman (Braff) wakes up from a dream-in which he apathetically sits on a crashing plane-to a telephone message from his father (Holm), telling Andrew that he needs to return home because his mother has died.
In the third scene the mother sits apathetically on the brink of a tumbling, ear-splitting chaos of fast-milling bodies and sound produced ingeniously by a man (Mr. Zabala) breathing hard and hissing into a hand-held microphone as he moves.
Asgard sat apathetically, chewing on her bark.
Finally, I suggest to Mr. Pöttering that he should do something more than sit apathetically and support neo-communists in Bulgaria.
The men appeared to sit apathetically before their consoles, yet they were all at a fever pitch of excitement.