The crowd, including a few blacks, sat attentively as his words echoed through the church.
A small group of men sat attentively at the bar, their eyes trained on the television sets, waiting for the returns from Florida.
He gave another little shudder, then turned to look at Camber, still sitting attentively to his right.
There were perhaps a hundred dealers and spectators sitting attentively on small gilt chairs.
The Satrap thought about it, and let his wizards have their way, while he sat attentively through the long hours of the test.
They sat attentively, as if he had become a figure of awe.
I glanced up at him as he sat attentively on Chade's pallet.
Minutes later Knox sat attentively by her side, head inclined slightly as he listened.
Data sat attentively, obviously waiting to speak, and Riker let the low drone of conversation die down by itself.
The children sat attentively, as though they were listening closely-but several eyes had glazed over.