The toad sat disconsolately on the walk, drooping with misery.
The two sat disconsolately, while he gathered up clean clothing and flannels for drying.
He looked at the handcuffed killer, sitting disconsolately, chin in hands.
I was sitting disconsolately upon the last beam that I had investigated when it came to me.
Faith sits disconsolately in an open window, waiting for Angel.
That evening I sat disconsolately before the fire tuning my harp and thinking back to the days of childhood in the south.
Malcolm Harris sat disconsolately in a chair, chewing his fingernails.
Two more were sitting disconsolately against the cliff, hands tied behind them.
A man sits disconsolately on a rough wooden platform high in a dead tree.
There were three others of his kind sitting disconsolately around the dance floor, one to a table.