And sitting dutifully beside her mother in the evenings, 'Yes, of course you're right, and Ahmed will be getting so rich soon, you'll just see!'
What about Lyr, sitting dutifully and quietly within minutes of the Intelligence headquarters?
Jefferson, who is named for the third President, a Democrat, dutifully sat and barked for a milk bone at his master's command.
I returned to the examining room, where I had another long wait, this time sitting dutifully on the paper-covered table.
She sat dutifully before him, not knowing what to expect.
I marched myself back upstairs at nine-thirty and sat dutifully at the typewriter.
Jamal Lewis sat dutifully at his table, watching the media circus go by.
In Kyoto, Japan, a powerful Yakuza member dutifully sat through an exotic and beautiful ancient tea ceremony.
We sat dutifully while the minister conducted the final rites.
In a ritual going back thirty years, he sat dutifully near her bedside in the evening discussing the current dealings of their farflung financial empire.