Ali sat expressionless as his daughter entered the ring draped in a long white robe.
The earl marshal shot an incredulous look at Snudge, who sat expressionless.
Hisako looked at Philippe, sitting expressionless at the head of the table, hands flat on the surface.
The defendants sat expressionless through most of the trial.
Sunar sat expressionless throughout the final table, on the way to a €679,000 grand prize.
He sat expressionless on the edge of the bed, his long pale hands on his knees.
He sat expressionless, staring out the window as she examined it.
Ydwyr sat motionless and expressionless while she tried to control her sobbing.
He sat altogether expressionless, smoking, never glancing away, while Heim talked.
Crabbe, charged with five counts of murder at the hearing, sat expressionless as the video was shown.