The King sat immobile, waiting for the messenger's answer.
To keep from slicing it, he sat immobile and was carried to the ambulance in his chair.
With a half-dozen passengers aboard, the train sat immobile as 11:29 came and went.
Lusana sat immobile, his voice almost too soft for those in the back of the room to hear.
The bird seller, for example, is first seen sitting immobile, a painted image.
She sat immobile, staring at her daughter's picture on the table between them.
The screen sat immobile, but Tony knew the routine and waited.
He sat immobile as she gathered up her skirts and headed back toward the castle.
Spring came and the mower, after sitting immobile in the garage for years, refused to start.
She sat immobile, staring straight ahead at the girl's reflection in the mirror behind the bar.