Guillermo looks at me intently then sits by his table and draws the check.
That's because she scowls even more sourly than Dade and is that rare female hacker who sits intently at her keyboard in a see-through top.
Rand sat forward intently, trying to see through all the dirt.
Still gripping the spoon, Gabrelle sat across the table from her and leaned forward intently.
Pivoting back toward the desk, Das sat intently and called up something on his computer screen.
During the genre's 1970s heyday, audiences were reserved in their behavior and tended to sit and intently concentrate on the performance.
He sat intently, drawing both, along with an airplane piercing a cloud.
The relationship is why a passel of reporters from Spain sat intently in the courtroom yesterday.
Data sat forward intently.
Next to the science station was Chief Engineer Donald Agbayani, sitting intently.