Cliff quickly obeyed this time and sat meekly, for a while not even venturing to look around.
They played dumb for years sitting meekly in the corner, hands folded in their lap, being very quiet.
She sat meekly down, her eyes cast shyly at the table.
The nun served them patiently, otherwise sitting meekly by Isei's side, saying nothing.
Kate sat meekly in a director's chair - a rare luxury - while the argument continued.
She sat down almost meekly, and Brimmer handed her a cup.
The one thing they do not want us to do is to sit here meekly and accept what we are told.
People were sitting meekly in front of them.
But you will be more comfortable here,' she said, and I meekly sat opposite those long dusty windows.
If he thinks that I'll sit meekly by, awaiting my fate at his hands, he's wrong!