Arlene sat sedately, folding her legs as she listened to the gargling, scrubbing sounds from the rear of the house.
Today the only reminders are the cannon sitting sedately outside the House of Wonders.
When she came back they were sitting there sedately, waiting for the cookies.
He showed them to the door; then went into the parlor and sat sedately in a chair to await a call from his master.
Some did, gingerly; most didn't, sitting sedately with their hands folded.
The Mach I sat sedately in the exact middle of what could only be a huge audience chamber, literally fit for a king.
Another rat had come to sit sedately, as if spellbound, in his lap.
A silent monster, it sat sedately amidst the trees, out of its own environment of hard roads and city lights.
Hannah's green Citroen sat sedately in a corner by itself, empty.
Leslie sat sedately on the other side of their daughter in the sweltering taxi, occasionally patting the girl's hand reassuringly.