She reemerges as a principal character in the 1965-1966 sitcom version of Gidget.
Every five to six episode of the series are split into full-length "sitcom versions" that include extra scenes.
"Tony 'n' Tina" is the sitcom version of the successful play about the wedding of a blue-collar couple.
The office feels vaguely like a sitcom version of a suburban teen-age hangout.
She was also a regular on the short-lived sitcom version of Nine to Five (based on the film hit) during the early 1980s.
Ebert said that the film's western motifs are "a sitcom version that looks exactly as if it were built on a back lot somewhere".
The movie inspired a sitcom version which aired from 1982 to 1983 and from 1986 to 1988.
There was a brief attempt, more than five years ago, at selling a sitcom version to ABC.
Like the previous film I Not Stupid, a sitcom version of the original movie was written and produced.
In addition, unlike the sitcom version, this Salem is only a cat, and could only meow.