Those sites, based on their selling prices in the past year, are worth between $475 million and $685 million each.
Local school councils are the site based management team of each school.
In that period, the percentage of such sites based in the United States rose, to almost 50 percent, officials said.
The site, based in the couple's house, is "profitable, but not extravagantly so," he said.
They make me so excited, I may even start up a site based primarily around them.
Measures proposed against the site based on allegations of hate speech have been mostly unsuccessful.
Comodo also says that one of the certificates was tested on a site based in Iran.
Beginning in 1992, it was reconstructed on the original site based on photographs, historical records, and memory.
For just a day (versus the ability for people to take down a site indefinitely based only on a personal assertion)?
This is a site specific based one.