Mr. Lang and his partners said they had yet to break even, partly because of expenses like the site cleanup, which wound up exceeding $1 million.
The site cleanup preceded the demolition to clean up potential toxins and for future development of the site.
Detrimental Bills' "One year after the passage of the bond act, not one cent has been used for toxic site cleanup," the report said.
The associated reportage details the steps taken to perform site cleanup and the follow-up monitoring for residual contaminants.
Such environmentally distressed properties, with site cleanup and mitigation considerations, are commonly referred to as brownfields.
Contaminated site cleanup, sediment quality, underground storage tanks, etc.
After the fire, as a fundraiser to help finance the site cleanup, the Historic Salisbury Foundation started selling bricks from the mill.
Moreover, the new laws provide for pollution research, standard setting, contaminated site cleanup, monitoring, and enforcement.
In August 1984, she led passage of a Superfund renewal bill and attacked the Reagan administration's handling of environmental site cleanups.
The site cleanup is directed by the federal Superfund program.