However, the San Antonio site failed to attract a large number of visitors.
Further, when the sites fail to resolve a dispute to your satisfaction, where can you go for help?
If any sites fail to submit a return, a series of warning letters will be sent both to the site and to the head office address.
The official site lists some 20 teams that are using the product but fails to provide the number of individual users.
Later attempts to access the party's site failed.
The site failed to attract the necessary financing for development, although it still exists and he hasn't given up on making it work.
However, the site then failed to mention which station it was intending to purchase.
"Many sites fail because they aren't useful," he said.
Most of the company's 80 employees were laid off after the live-action and animation site failed to find a buyer.
But the site failed to persuade more big-name suppliers to join the original four, and customers stayed away, as well.