The long-abandoned industrial site, a strip 300 feet across at its widest point, spans the east bank of the river for almost a mile.
The sites of the discovery of these other plates span the midwestern US.
The site spans four city blocks, and will stand on land that is now occupied by about 20 small businesses.
Its site spans several blocks between the Cuyahoga River and Public Square.
The site spanned 2000 square meters, and revealed unusually well-preserved material.
Apart from a few reserved directory names, the site can span any number of directories.
The site spans several eras ranging from Archaic period to the early Woodland period.
The site spans 170 hectares and is located on a flood-safe, 4.6-meter-high platform.
The original site spanned five acres and was in use primarily during the 18th century.
The site spans half the island and only 50 people are allowed on the island at a time.