"I have no problem with letting them know they're connected here," Ms. Thompkins, site supervisor at the needle exchange, said.
Shawn Morren - Shawn was the site supervisor from the first five seasons of the series.
Only the site supervisor, an excavation engineer named Thieu, who was no doubt anxious to keep his job, spoke with any genuine respect.
Contributing to the circumstances was a lack of control of their activities by site supervisors.
But many of them grew dependent on the long hours to steer them through the disaster, said Brian Lyons, a site supervisor at ground zero.
He's what you might call the site supervisor.
Look, I'm here in the site supervisor's office.
Supervising school counselors and interns: Resources for site supervisors.
He added that it is being investigated whether the mishap took place due to negligence on the part of the site supervisors.
During the 2000 presidential election campaign, he served as a site supervisor for George W. Bush's campaign.