It is situated on a ridge which rises above the Cheshire Plain.
The town is situated on a ridge in the Ardennes at an altitude of 510 m.
There is a large formal one right behind the building, where it's situated on a ridge and therefore an English landscape park is created.
It is situated on a ridge, surrounded by brushwood, with arable land in the valley.
Worthing is situated on a small ridge next to the English Channel coast.
It is situated on a ridge above the left bank of the river Erymanthos.
The town is situated on a high ridge overlooking a deep valley.
The large central terrace with two separate platforms is situated on a broad ridge that adds to its majesty.
In 1859 the village of Sarafand was described as being situated on a ridge between a plain and the beach.
The site is situated on a ridge roughly 1 km across, running from North to South, with the drainage going to the western side.