The album was reportedly recorded over a six-day period in early June.
"There will probably be a five- or six-day period to get ready when and if they come back, so you'll have that to work with."
In a six-day period in February 1991, the first computer spewed out a total of 26,000 calls.
While the days were still named according to the seven-day week, the work schedules were rotated in five- and six-day periods.
He visited thirty-one states and made 173 speeches, including 28 over a six-day period.
After the six-day period was over, that post office was not to recognize the old stamps as paying postage.
II were recorded over a six-day period in December 1997.
The Attorney General's performance in the six-day period of time, in my opinion, while it wasn't perfect, did get the basic job done.
Competition is held in several rounds over a six-day period.
Usually three eggs are laid over a four- to six-day period.