The jury in the six-day trial took less than two hours to reach its verdict, said David Manson, the prosecutor.
It was perhaps the most arcane statement in all the hours of acronym-filled testimony, one that came on the last day of the six-day trial.
The Kellers faced a six-day trial, during which the original child claimed no abuse had taken place but she had been told to say it had.
The six-day trials are combined with the Phillips 66/United States Swimming national long-course championships.
A six-day trial in Tampa, Florida was declared a mistrial on 27 September 2010, after the jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision.
On Sunday morning, when these six-day trials began, 19-year-old Jenny Thompson set a world record of 54.48 seconds for the women's 100-meter freestyle.
This was the third day of the six-day trials at the Texas Swimming Center.
The verdict came after a six-day trial that was replete with tales of jealousy, frustrated ambitions and conniving ex-spouses.
The findings were delivered late this afternoon in the Kootenai County Courthouse, which was under heavy police security throughout the six-day trial.
At his six-day trial in state district court, Mr. Colston did not take the stand nor present witnesses in his defense.