From the top of the pay scale to the bottom, from stock traders earning six-figure bonuses to $5-an-hour sales clerks, women gained on men in the 1980's.
Investigators are also examining perquisites given administrators that were far more lavish than those awarded to their counterparts at other schools, including chauffeured cars and six-figure bonuses.
The Express, of the United States Football League, gave him a six-figure bonus and salary of six figures to sign him in 1984, he said.
Following his graduation, the Los Angeles Dodgers signed Goossen for a six-figure bonus.
The tax bite from a six-figure bonus is likely to be substantial, whereas the tax you have to pay on a nonexistent bonus is zero.
Two of his deputy mayors, Kevin Sheekey and Patricia E. Harris, were appointed to their current jobs after receiving six-figure bonuses for working on the campaign.
Meanwhile, he is getting six-figure annual bonuses, being hailed by the London office as "a turbo arbitrager."
BAA would not say what its chief executive's reported six-figure bonus would have amounted to, but last year he received £994,000 in pay and bonuses, excluding shares.
It's not enough to put your thumbs in your suspenders and say, 'Wall Street's doing great; executives are getting six-figure bonuses.'
However, Perez-who grew up a Yankee fan-instead accepted a six-figure bonus to play with Yankees.