The subcommittee report said the new rule had resulted in the loss of six-figure contracts by two American semiconductor manufacturers.
A few weeks later, Tatum signed a three-year, six-figure contract with a $50,000 signing bonus.
With a six-figure contract for two books, he could be basking in comfort.
Yesterday's work - part of a five game, six-figure contract - kept Albert from his usual time-off pursuit, going to a movie.
He held out during spring training, hoping for a six-figure contract.
Webbe is reported to want a four-year, six-figure contract.
Andrus was signed in 2005 to a six-figure contract.
It is the first six-figure contract in major league history.
It is common knowledge that a six-figure open contract has been let, with Mack Bolan's name on the death warrant.
Winner lost by unanimous decision, along with losing the six-figure contract.