In a 1941 air raid, a small bomb struck the sacristy, blowing a six-foot hole in the roof and another in the wall of the Sacred Heart chapel.
At that time Wintergreen was specializing in going AWOL, getting busted to buck private, and then doing his punishment--digging and refilling six-foot holes.
It ripped a six-foot hole in the pavement, tearing open a ragged skylight for the hotel basement below.
Bosley Crowther, writing for The New York Times, claimed it "has as much humor in it as a six-foot hole in the ground."
The repair ship lost three anchors in attempting to hold her position in the anchorage during the height of the storm and emerged from the ordeal with a six-foot hole in one side.
I think I'm about as "oh-fay" with what's going down here as a blindfolded gopher down a six-foot hole.
The hardest part, she said, was "having to jump in and out of a six-foot hole that I was digging."
Visitors could walk through a six-foot hole punched into one wall and contemplate a cave-like scene of twisted metal bookshelves and floating books.
A confoundingly striped mirror and a glossy, life-size photograph of the simulated view from a six-foot hole in the ground occasion reflections on being and nothingness (Johnson).
Luis Gomez's life in America ended Friday afternoon when he was buried alive in a six-foot hole.