Only eight soldiers of the platoon involved in the six-hour battle were not wounded.
The Allies were forced to retreat from Tien-tsin after a six-hour battle against Chinese troops.
Again the base was penetrated but after a six-hour battle the North Vietnamese were forced to withdraw after suffering heavy losses.
A small unit reached the Pouppeville exit at 0600 and fought a six-hour battle to secure it, shortly before 4th Division troops arrived to link up.
Troops managed to reach the center of Zinjibar after several days of fighting, including an intense six-hour battle towards the end on April 25.
This started a six-hour battle to retake the first parcel of Kuwaiti Territory.
An intense, six-hour hand-to-hand battle ensued, and many were killed on each side.
After the about six-hour long battle the Swedes had lost one soldier, while five were wounded.
Nine rebels were killed in the six-hour battle, with no information on casualties from the pro-Gaddafi forces.
Colonel Broussier only took this last after a hard-fought six-hour battle.