A six-hour day is practically like being on vacation.
As a matter of fact, they'll work the standard six-hour day, and spend their evenings and week ends with their families on Earth.
In Sweden, a worker can request a six-hour day until her child is 8, for example.
He says he averages about $30 for a six-hour day.
Before they enter the program formally, students spend seven six-hour days in an introductory course.
The children's six-hour days start and end with reading - lots of it.
The language school was highly efficient in presenting its course of instruction during a six-hour day, five days per week.
Under the NEP, you know, we only worked a six-hour day, not like now.
A strong reduction in working hours to a six-hour day could be compared to extending the statutory holiday by a further two months.
The students, who were all recommended by art teachers in the schools, are paid $4.25 an hour for a six-hour day in the summer.