The problem for the Kurds is that the military operation is renewed only on a six-month basis.
His appointment was on a six-month temporary basis, but the board would later give him the job permanently.
West was hired on a six-month temporary basis that lasted 35 years.
For 18 months, she said, the village has been issuing parking permits to Ardsley residents on a six-month basis.
You try to give yourself a two-year window on maintenance of you plants and other facilities, then you update that on a six-month or 30-day basis.
The company's business model involves releasing new, independent chapters for the game on a six-month basis.
"It's a tragedy and a setback," said one senior Pentagon official, who said officers assigned to the operation were rotated on a six-month basis.
Personnel were to be rotated on a six-month basis.
Commercial banks cut their six-month C.D.'s by 3 basis points, to 8.39 percent.
Commercial banks cut their six-month C.D.'s by 10 basis points, to 8.40 percent.