"The nearest one is a six-month journey."
Its action finally concluded the difficult, six-month journey of health care legislation through a maze of major Congressional committees.
After an arduous six-month journey the travellers were well received by the current Kan Ek'.
This six-month journey took them initially to the Indian subcontinent and then on to Europe, including a trip to Prague.
They were on a six-month journey, yet when I asked their favorite places, they mentioned convenient campgrounds.
The six-month journey returned with 70 barrels of whale oil and the entire crew intact.
After a six-month journey, he reached Earth barely alive, sustained by survival rations and sheer courage.
After a six-month journey, it is to enter an orbit about a million miles from Earth at a point called Lagrange 1.
My six-month pedal-powered journey could not end like this.
The rest of us boarded the Anniversary and had a fairly pleasant six-month journey.