Mr. Fanton responded to the defacing of the print by mailing a six-page letter to all students and faculty.
In that six-page letter, he described how the hedge fund had collapsed after years of unsuccessfully trying to recoup hidden losses.
Cohen responded to the book's acceptance with a parodic six-page letter anticipating the response of offended Canadian critics.
Mr. Lorello responded with a six-page letter on Oct. 24, 2001.
She also told police she left a six-page letter in the car that explained why she killed her mother.
A copy of the six-page letter was mailed anonymously to The New York Times and received this week.
In the fall of 1991 former church Archivist Lee Johnson presented a six-page letter of the book's unusual history.
In a six-page letter, the Food and Drug Administration warned Stryker about the problems.
December 19, 16.15h, the abovementioned chairman of the Court of Cassation came into parliament with a six-page letter.
In a half-strangled voice, Father read his six-page letter, prepared over the previous two weeks.