Together with its final judgment, the district court issued a remarkable six-page memorandum that purports to explain the basis for its entry of the sweeping relief requested by plaintiffs.
In September, Ms. Albrecht sent a six-page memorandum to the police chief listing her concerns.
"While we want to be vigorous, we do not want to be cruel," Mr. Schwarz said in a six-page legal memorandum.
Mr. Strobel, who holds a master's degree from Yale University Law School, composed a six-page memorandum giving moral and legal grounds for Mr. Clinton to sign the ban.
Mr. Cole remembers that when he misused "stipend" in a paper, he received in return a six-page memorandum, single-spaced, on the history of the word.
A month before the group's meeting there in January 1980, Ms. Ginsburg drafted a six-page memorandum, complete with nine footnotes, urging that functions be moved until the club changed its policies.
A six-page memorandum on banking reform was given limited and confidential distribution to about 40 individuals on March 16, 1933.
Just today, in anticipation of American demands for change, Mr. Arafat had sent Washington and Arab capitals a six-page memorandum outlining a proposal for a "100-day" plan of reform.
Concerns Given in Memo Mr. Armitage detailed the Administration's concerns about leasing planes to Pakistan in a six-page memorandum to a Congressional subcommittee in March.
Gary J. Dellaverson, the authority's chief negotiator, declined yesterday to comment on whether there was a separate agreement outside the six-page memorandum of understanding that the two sides signed on Tuesday.