Walton's store led in sales and profits in the Butler Brothers' six-state region.
At that point, the F.A.A. ordered planes at airports around the country to stay on the ground rather than fly across the six-state region.
But the company's deployment of the system elsewhere in its six-state region has been delayed by regulatory and technological hurdles.
The Chiefs Radio Network extends throughout the six-state region of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, with 61 affiliate stations.
We covered any crash in a six-state region.
In the six-state region as a whole, perhaps 50 of the biotechnology companies are publicly traded.
It was the number-one Ben Franklin store-for sales or profit-not only in Arkansas, but in the whole six-state region.
For the first time in the 1980's, the growth of employment in the six-state region, the envy of the nation for nearly a decade, is much lower than in the United States as a whole.
The six-state region lost nearly 56,000 manufacturing jobs in 1986 alone, for example, according to DRI/McGraw Hill, an economic consulting firm in Massachusetts.
In November 2007, Riemersma joined Family Research Council, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., as the director of a six-state region that includes Michigan.