The most concrete links came from an unsuccessful six-year investigation by the Bavarian Criminal Police.
After a six-year investigation by the United States Department of Justice, all federal corruption charges against DeLay were dropped without an indictment.
The case was mentioned in an EIA report on the trade, the result of a six-year investigation.
On 13 December 2007, based on the results of its own six-year investigation, a Swiss court decided to remove Qadi from its list of blocked terrorists.
On July 28, 2006, after a six-year federal investigation, four leaders of the gang were convicted of racketeering, murder, and conspiracy charges.
Published in 2000, the book was the result of a six-year investigation by Dear.
Now the firm faces the possibility of an indictment in connection with a six-year investigation into whether it made illegal payments to clients.
That accident triggered a six-year investigation into the Wolverine program.
The document is the final word on the affair by the prosecutor, Lawrence E. Walsh, after a six-year investigation.
People inside the Milberg Weiss camp have long argued that politics was behind the Justice Department's six-year wide-ranging investigation into the law firm.