At 7:45 a.m., he walked into his sixth-floor office and typed up a draft of the memo.
Darlene Dunn, 57 years old, said she was in a sixth-floor office with seven other people when the fire began.
I work in a sixth-floor office, and I caught a man going through my pocketbook.
The corner of the sixth-floor office in mid-Manhattan where the company's program traders work resembles a library more than a casino.
But during the three-month-long Christmas buying season, she sees her sixth-floor office only in the early morning and late at night.
Not a piece of furniture was still standing upright in Micamberlecto's sixth-floor office.
Luff seemed to be taking him up to his sixth-floor office, probably the best choice from Daniel's viewpoint.
Greer caught the look and chuckled, leading Kelly to an elevator, then to his sixth-floor office.
She installed automated equipment and a spacious sixth-floor oval office for herself.
And moments later he was pushed into a straight-backed wooden chair in a sixth-floor office.