If all sixth-grade girls were vaccinated, the company could reap about $9 million a year in Connecticut alone.
The Scouts on the museum tour in Baltimore are described as "embarrassed sixth-grade girls" with good reason.
One student, a sixth-grade girl new to the school, said Olivia had been only a nodding acquaintance.
Sixteen sixth-grade girls in brown khaki uniforms were going through their opening drill.
A sixth-grade girl described a harrowing scene for the news agency Reuters.
"It's been very disruptive for everybody," said James Lerman, a parent of a sixth-grade girl.
A 1987 study, for example, found that early maturing sixth-grade girls reported feeling lower self-esteem than their less physically mature classmates.
These days Ms. Williams is advising Amy and many other sixth-grade girls on a new topic - boys.
The three men are accused of abducting the sixth-grade girl from the street and raping her in the back seat of their rented car.
One week, a sixth-grade girl would be gawky and careless, skipping across the playground.