Now, student achievement is up on every index; students rank as high as the top 13 percent of city schools on sixth-grade reading and the top 14 percent in eighth-grade math.
Applicants must have sixth-grade reading and math skills in addition to at least 10 years of work experience in any field.
This means that aggregate performance data reported for sixth-grade reading last year were higher than warranted.
B1 Student Test Scores Rise Schools across the state, including those in New York City, posted substantial gains in third-grade and sixth-grade reading last year.
The gap among students of similar backgrounds grew to 6 points in sixth-grade reading and climbed to almost 15 percentage points in high school English.
The scores showed a sharp decline in the reading skills of third graders in 30 of 33 school districts in New York City; a decline in sixth-grade reading in 31 of 33 districts.
Schools across New York State, including those in New York City, posted substantial gains in third-grade and sixth-grade reading last year.
Over all, the statistical model accounted for nearly three-quarters of the differences among schools in sixth-grade reading, and just under half the differences in Regents diploma rates.
In the report, the Fishers Island school, which goes from kindergarten to 12th grade and has 79 students, earned the highest marks in the state for sixth-grade reading, with 100 percent of students reading well above grade level.
The bridegroom, 36, is a sixth-grade reading and writing teacher at the Boston Preparatory Charter Public School.