Last Friday morning, five women strolled out of the Citibank branch at Madison Avenue and 91st Street with sizable checks in hand.
One of those is a 28-year-old rookie, Skip Kendall, who today put himself in his best position ever to make a sizable check by posting a 36-hole total of 21 points.
Tartabull was not consumed with the two nagging injuries that hampered his output or critics who question if he deserves sizable checks.
FOR a parent of a new, young driver, perhaps the only thing more agonizing than handing the car keys to a teen-ager is handing a sizable check to an auto insurance company.
An audit of Maitland's books would probably turn up some sizable checks written to companies nobody's heard of.
Because much of the deal is retroactive, teachers stand to get sizable checks, perhaps by Christmas.
The bowl was returned to him with sizable checks from each guest in attendance.
In a widely quoted interview in 1991, Mr. Pulliam declared, "I think newspapers will continue to be the only sizable check on Government."
A small-town banker visits the governor a few weeks after his re-election, hands him some sizable checks to help repay campaign debts and suggests his business partner be given a powerful patronage job.
And yet others, like Eminem, wrote sizable checks.