Building nuclear plants to generate electricity makes no sense economically unless you own sizable deposits of uranium ore.
Langley - MGM's second and last exploration site of the year; proves to hold sizable deposits.
At the time, 77.4 percent of the bank was owned by Abu Dhabi, which also had sizable deposits in it.
The emirate also had sizable deposits in the bank.
But he has made some pretty sizable deposits in the bank over the past couple of weeks.
Within a few minutes she had confirmed that the bank would indeed take a sizable deposit of Engen currency at 72.1 percent of face value.
It contains basins with sizable deposits of salts.
Holiday bookings are particularly strong at luxury resorts, in part because guests, required to book far before Sept. 11, would have lost sizable deposits had they canceled.
Once he had put down a sizable deposit, the car's price kept going up, and the customer found he could not get his money back.
Physicians and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment or sizable deposits before offering medical care.