However, at any given moment a sizable fraction of the 10 billion cells would be firing, so the brain as a whole is constantly active.
Most troubling, the guerrillas enjoy support from a sizable fraction of the population in the Sunni heartland.
Unfortunately, this process had the undesired effect of excluding a sizable fraction of family members from tree construction.
Sundials only sufficed to give you an estimate of rather sizable fractions of hours.
A sizable fraction of the population has never used a dial phone, yet the term remains indispensable.
If the Redshift had contained a room this large, you could probably have seen a sizable fraction of a minute into the past.
"There's a sizable fraction of people who are lost without these words," he said.
It has a sizable fraction of the world's petroleum reserves, a respectable industrial base, and a substantial population.
Those people had lost sizable fractions of their life savings and not known whom to blame for it.
A sizable fraction of the population are indigenous peoples.