They are most rocky, fit for goats and sheep, if that, and without meadows, trees worthy of the name, or even a sizable stream.
River Riverb, a sizable stream of freshwater flowing through a natural channel in the land.
A demographic dip in the number of American 18-year-olds coincided with the 1979 Iranian revolution, which reduced a once sizable stream of Iranian students to a mere trickle.
Greatly interested in the industrial potential of water power, Bell was drawn to Middle Tennessee, where there were sizable streams and an abundance of iron ores, particularly hematite, in some areas.
Fred's mood was becoming one of panic, when he reached the bank of a sizable stream.
Then, as she was dreaming of water, she opened her eyes to find that they were stopped by a sizable stream.
Off to his right Hoppy could hear a sizable stream running across rocks.
At one side, the wall was lower, and a sizable stream of water poured over the edge into the oval lake in which the submarine lay.
Only a very bold general or a very foolhardy one was likely to offer battle with his back to a sizable stream.
The sizable tributary streams mostly flow out of fairly narrow hollows into the Buffalo; only the largest ones have true stream valleys of their own.