Companies Dissident shareholders jolted Sears, Roebuck's management, registering sizable votes on various key issues.
Duke's critics' spin: Now that everyone knows his views, the sizable vote he received shows how many people agree with him.
Duke's spin: Now that everyone knows my views, the sizable vote I received shows how many people agree with me.
Despite the prevalent winner-take-all practice, the minority always gets a sizable vote.
The sizable Jewish vote mostly went to Rose.
The polls put him ahead, but only by a slender margin, with a sizable undecided vote.
The sour mood makes possible a sizable vote for the far-right National Front.
That was just past the margin of error and included a sizable undecided vote of about 16 percent, so it hardly predicted a Cuomo landslide.
But a sizable vote of no-confidence at the meeting next Wednesday would add to mounting pressure on the board to address investor discontent.
In such cities there is a sizable Irish Catholic vote, and this swells the Labour vote in elections.