Conditions were so adverse it appears, from skeletal evidence, that the survivors engaged in cannibalism.
So much skeletal evidence was gathered that more than 30 years after the excavations studies are still occurring based on measurements, photographs, and radiographs.
Harder to detect than normal arthritis, but the archaeologists are confident they have found minimal skeletal evidence of it.
At the time, no similar skeletal evidence had been identified anywhere in Europe.
Anti-migrationist authors either paid little attention to skeletal evidence or argued that differences could be explained by environmental and cultural influences.
And recent examination of the skeletal evidence has disputed the Victorian belief in his monstrous, semihuman appearance.
Until that skeletal evidence is found, speculation will continue, and one may adopt whatever stance satisfies an inner sense of the fitness of things.
However, skeletal evidence suggests that its breast muscles were not powerful enough for wing flapping for extended periods.
But gradually, as more skeletal evidence was uncovered, a generally accepted picture of the Neanderthal people had emerged.
Unfortunately there is very little skeletal evidence found in this region because of the composition of the soil.