Before too long Marrow was back in proper skeletal shape.
Some of the bone growth (e.g. shoulder width and jaw) is disproportionately greater, resulting in noticeably different male and female skeletal shapes.
The sky was nearly black, but there was an eerie green glow all across the horizon that silhouetted the skeletal shape of the Porpoise behind us.
We had reached the watershed then and were looking down towards Ice Cold and the skeletal shape of the screening plant.
"Your parents determine your structural and skeletal shape and your predisposition to get big," says Rubenstein.
The skeletal shape reminds this viewer of the spiny egg sac of a ray or a shark that has washed up on shore.
The image of Clavain shattered into speckles and then faded away, leaving only the skeletal shape of the servitor where he had been standing.
He saw it looming ahead of him, a crouched skeletal shape poised to spring, its robe flapping and rattling behind it in the wind.
The skeletal shapes of huge cranes and gantries loomed in the shadows.
Darkness swallowed the skeletal shape.