Since then he has said he plans to keep the office open with a skeletal staff and to direct operations from Binghamton.
But the skeletal staff is offering minimal services, and activities like the land mine education program have been suspended.
With a skeletal staff, the center often recruits private law firms to represent clients on a pro-bono basis.
As a result, it works in borrowed offices, with a skeletal staff.
He has advised his 800 employees to take vacation time and says the company can get by with a skeletal staff of 25.
How can the parties survive with such tiny enrollments and skeletal staffs?
A skeletal staff is already at the new building.
For the rest of the week, a skeletal staff will be working in the embassy and consulate buildings, mainly to clean up.
Now, only a skeletal staff of about 30 people remains, mainly security and maintenance workers.
A skeletal staff of 12 people used to produce a 6 pages newspaper which was then sold for one anna.