Conversely, a small sample with a skewed distribution would weaken this belief.
Variables with skewed distributions were logarithmically transformed before analysis.
Therefore, we also used the nonparametric rank sum test, which is insensitive to a skewed distribution.
For example, if a species is more numerous in the north, the model will select a skewed distribution as the best fit.
For nearly symmetric, not too skewed distributions the effect of the priors is similar.
But despite the encouraging economic signals, he said, the skewed distribution of wealth means that too few Mexicans are benefiting.
An example of a skewed distribution is personal wealth: Few people are very rich, but among those some are extremely rich.
For other control charts based on skewed distributions, the Handbook recommends:
The variables with a skewed distribution were therefore log transformed for statistical calculation.
As such, they do not account for skewed residual distributions or finite observation precisions.