Christopher's skewed perspective and fierce logic make him a superb straight man, if not necessarily a stellar detective.
And her lyrics show a smart, skewed perspective.
Parker Santos, 5, has a bit of a skewed perspective regarding family occupations.
"Murdock's story is a tale told by him through his own skewed perspective on reality."
But the intellectual focus on a single and continuing Original Sin creates a skewed perspective.
Putting the action in front of a viewer makes it real, even though we are still confined to Humbert's skewed perspective.
It takes a certain skewed perspective to be that blase about dinner with Andy Warhol.
For that matter, the whole world, seen from the narrator's skewed perspective, seems wacky and out of kilter.
The action takes place on a deeply raked stage with a deliberately skewed perspective.
Is it because money managers themselves are equally overcompensated and therefore have a skewed perspective on pay?